Postgraduate Initiative in Project Engineering
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IX7202 Project Portfolio Engineering
How to benefit know-how from the portfolio, and how to mutualise risks within portfolio.
Specify and develop the critical skills to assure reasonable mitigation, coverage or transfer of project risks.
Specify and develop the critical skills to assure adequate environment for project execution and conclusion.
Specify and develop the critical skills to define effective communication for project steering.
Review and analyse tools to organise a project portfolio and related quality system at the strategic level of contractor (senior supplier).
Critically evaluate both qualitative and quantitative analysis for a project.
Critically review risk management plan.
Total Learning time 200 hours:
- 36 hours contact time
- 164 hours independent study (team construction and real case analysis)
Students are expected to attend all lectures/seminars and actively engage with online learning resources.
Learning outcome IX7202-LO1 is assessed through:
- individual construction (1,000 words) of project portfolio quality system (25%),
and individual critical analysis (1,000 words) of similar construction by someone else (25%).
Learning outcome IX7202-LO2 is assessed through:
- a group presentation (equivalent 1,000 words – 25 minutes presentation and 5 minutes Q&A) of project risk analysis (25%).
Learning outcome IX7202-LO3 is assessed through:
- reflective report (1,000 words) to analyse group presentation (by other groups): 25%.
IX7202-C1: Project portfolio for product assurance
- Critical review of project performing organisations: professional practices to manage shared resources and knowledge.
- QMS (Quality Management Systems) for project performing organisations: review of design, organisation and implementation practices.
- Presentations, labs and preparation of independent study for quality assurance plan.
IX7202-C2: Project portfolio to evaluate severity of project execution
- Professional practices to evaluate likelihood, uncontrollability and severity of project execution failures.
- Presentations, labs and preparation of independent Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA).
IX7202-C3: Project portfolio to strengthen project execution
- Critical analysis of execution failure mitigation.
- Professional practices to identify causes and provisions to mitigate severity of execution failures.
- Presentations, labs and preparation of independent FMEA mitigation.
IX7202-C4: Project portfolio for risk assessment
- Professional practices to assess risk in new projects: project experience and formal knowledge.
- Critical review of risk classification.
- Presentations, labs and preparation of independent project risk assessment.
IX7202-C5: Project portfolio for risk mutualisation
- Professional practices to estimate risk coverage versus transfer budget.
- Critical analysis of acceptable risks coverage in the project.
- Presentations, labs and preparation of independent project risk quantitative analysis.
IX7202-C6: Project portfolio for project commitment
- Professional practices to qualify project estimates.
- Critical review of risks either transferred or mutualised.
- Delphic estimate to validate orders of magnitude and to identify both risk and success factors.
- Presentations, labs and preparation of independent project risk transfer analysis.
IX7202-C7: Project portfolio for project commitment
- Professional practices to manage time and cost contingencies.
- Critical analysis of risks mutualised within the project, and within project portfolio.
- Presentations, labs and preparation of independent project contingencies management plan.
IX7202-C8: Organisation for project portfolio
- Professional practices for project management processes.
- Critical analysis of project management processes and measurements.
- Presentations, labs and preparation of independent project management requirements.